Everyone in our office knows how much I love dinosaurs, so it was no surprise to them that I was excited to put together some dino room inspiration!

Theming a room around dinosaurs and prehistoric creatures is often seen as a younger style, however, I wanted to show that you can age up or down the room depending on the additional accessories you add.

Dinosaur Bedroom Ideas | mood board


The starting point for this room was our Dinosaur stickaround wall sticker pack. The artwork for these stickers has a sketchy feel and the design feels a little older but can be styled to the age you are aiming for. I have paired the stickers with our Dinosaur Fossils roller blind to give a slightly older and neutral feel.

I then picked out a T-Rex lamp, this keeps the room styled a bit younger and brings in a pop of colour. Another cute little addition also added, is the Parasaurolophus plant pot accessory. This can be hidden in a snake plant to add a little dino feel anywhere in the room. I kept the colour scheme fairly neutral with adding in hints of greens with a bean bag and plants.

If your child still loves dinos when they are a little older, the accessories can be swapped out for less dino themed and more prehistoric themed, like swapping the T-Rex lamp for the fossil lamp. You can then carry on the theme without having to completely redecorate!

We want to see how you decorate with our stickers! Tag us on Instagram @stickerscape with your rooms to be featured on our stories and blogs.