The summer months have arrived, school has come to a close and families around the UK are at the beginning of the long haul of entertaining there *adorable kiddie winks (*adorable also can mean grumpy, foot stomping, moody)…….
We just love this time together, right?!
Well we’ve come up with a handy To-Do list. Whether it be a glorious summer’s day or a pants rainy one we have a few suggestions that just might get you through the day.
1. STICKERS (yip, of course Stickers would be number 1!) – Our brand new name labels work well on just about everything – get labelling books, notepads, bags, clothing, make a card, label containers, plant pots, scooters…the list is endless! What a fun easy way to learn letters, designs, objects – don’t hold back, label it ALL! You can find our range of name labels by clicking here.
2. Planting sunflower seeds – If you have a lovely dry day zip along to the £1 shop to buy some seeds and pots. Every kid loves playing with soil aka MUD – Mud Pies, yummy! Once the seeds are planted you can watch the flowers grow, water every day, even give your flower a name! Sidney the Sunflower will grow so much better with a bit of love n’ TLC.
3. Have a move around, sort out – Dive into the kid’s room, have a little shuffle around of the bed or toy box, discover toys that have been forgotten about or buried at the bottom of the toy box. The little ones can play as you sort. If you find you have a pile of toys needing a new home, it is always a lovely gesture to pass unused toys to a friend or local pre-school or charity shop – finding new homes for the unwanted toys.
4. Chalkboard wall stickers – Perfect to draw on, learn the time, play noughts and crosses or even for mummy to pop the weekly meal planner on the wall to (try) to get a bit organised over the summer amongst the chaos. Check out the range by clicking here.
5. Locate your local splash park – Splash parks are popping up all around the UK, it is a brilliant fun way to cool down on a hot day, suitable for all ages and it is FREE! This activity ticks a lot of boxes!
6. Summer Crafts – How about making a mystic wind chime for the garden, use twigs, beads, bells, feathers, shells, buttons, bottle tops (raid the craft cupboard!).
7. A good ‘ol fashioned WATER FIGHT!…….
8. Ice lolly making – Strawberries, Honey, Peaches and Kiwi will be on the shopping list to make the Annabel Karmel ‘Traffic Light Lolly’ scrummy with oodles of fruit for the kids = winner!
Whatever you get up to this summer we hope you have a fantastic time and make the most out of the weather (whilst it lasts!!).